Загадка 72 ЦИПсО и А4790
Some time ago nemez1da.ru project published the list of the 72nd TsIPSO (this website is only available for Russian IP addresses, but you could check one of its "mirrors", for instance volunteer.su).
The first information was widely announced in the August. After a detailed review we found that the list of the same people had already been published at least 2(!) more times a few month prior to this nemez1da publication, albeit with a various set of details. We are not giving the precise dates of the first-had publications, 'cause that's not of major interest, unless a reader is a future historian of cyber warfare. But such a reader can do this research himself.
What's more interesting is the unit number. For a while all the records contained some "Unit A4790". Naturally we decided to check what is that unit? To our surprise, unlike other Centers of Special Forces, there was almost no information on this specific unit.
Yet we managed to establish with a great degree of confidence that the unit A4790 and the 72 TSIPsO are two separate units. Probably the confusion was caused by the fact that both units have got official addresses at the same location in Brovary, Keiv; and both are the units of the Special Forces. But that's pretty much all they have in common. Here go certain differences:
- We found a number of volunteer supplies for A4790, including armored ambulance cars suited to combat zone operations; armored vests, quadcopters, sapper shovels - all the stuff you need on the front line, but which is absolutely irrelevant to any psychological operations.
- Out of 145 members of 72 TSIPsO at least 38 are women. That is 1/4 - an unusually high fraction for a front line unit.
- Also we managed to find a number of people who definitely served in A4790, and based on their background, they're quite far from being Internet trolls.
More details, including personnel list, contact details, and emblems you could find on records for each of the two units:
p.s. An interesting observation: looking at the family names and maiden names present for 72 TSIPsO, it seems there are at least four couples serving there.
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